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Wednesday, July 11, 2012
Hurricane Lamps are Collectible but Functional
A few weeks ago, a storm rolled
through the Mid Atlantic states, and pretty much the whole midsection of the
United States.After a stretch of hot
and humid days with temperatures
reaching the 95 – 100 degree range, we were hit with what some folks are now
calling a “Derecho” or in my estimation one of the freakiest weather events
that I have ever lived through.I
watched out my back doors as the neighbor’s large trampoline flew across, took
two sections of my fence and landed in our yard.A few minutes later, the winds picked it up
again, sailed it across the opening in the fence and put it right back where it
had come from, minus a few pieces.
The thunderstorms, lightning and
winds combined to take out not only a portion of my fence with the help of the
trampoline, but it took down large sized tree limbs and of course power lines,
cable lines and telephone lines.Hundreds of thousands of people were left without utilities.This then reminded me of the hurricane of
2004 that hit us while we lived inMclean, Virginia.This time we were one
of the lucky ones because we didn’t lose power, the last time we lost power for
three and a half days; no Internet, no TV, no air conditioning. . . like our forefathers before us, we
played cards and read by candlelight. Some people might think that fun, but
being an Internet junkie, for me it was a torturous.But there was a bright side to all of this,
as people started thinking of alternatives to candles and ways to “light up
their life.”
The weekend after the hurricane, I
was set up at the Clarendon AntiqueMarket in Arlington, Virginia and wouldn’t you know that I sold every
single oil lamp that I had in inventory.It didn’t matter if they were pretty, or ugly, vintage glass or retro
ceramic, every single one of our hurricane lampsflew off our tables and shelving.It was amazing, because all the while, I had had those in my inventory
and had never thought to bring them out during the power outage for my own family
to use.It wasn’t until they were flying
off the shelves that I realized I didn’t really have to use candles.Not that it would have made my situation any
better, life without power and for me the Internet would have been unbearable
Which then leads me back to a
previous article that I had written; more folks are buying functional antiques
and collectibles.Vintage oil lamps or hurricane lamps are not only
collectible, but functional during a storm.And the nice thing about vintage oil lamps is that they are available in
so many colors, styles and shapes; they fit in with any décor in any home.Sure, you can go to Walmart or Target and get
a brand new oil lamp, but they just don’t have the character and the beauty of
the old lamps.Additionally, without power
you don’t have Internet, so sit back gaze at the flame in old oil lamp and you
can make up stories in your head about where it has been in the past, and the stories it could tell.
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